Fat Kid Dance Party and The Corona

EDIT: Like everything else in the world, this has all changed so fast! Unless you’re near me on the Olympic Penninsula (if you are, email me so I can keep you in the loop) everything is on hold until further notice but I’m totally planning to teach in all of these places when we’re back up and running! Just leaving this post here because it’s now herstorical.


We are in wild times! I feel like everything is different than it was two weeks ago. Stress, anxiety, worry, panic, it's all palpable.

The worst result of all that stress is that it lowers our immune system's ability to fight invading viruses. 

What helps support our immune system? Laughter, joy, dancing, movement, love, cheering, being in nature.

For folks all over the world, I offer my classes online. This is a great option for folks who don't feel comfortable in the in-person environment or who don't have body positive fitness options available in their area.

Every small and large business owner has had to wrestle with the question of moving forward or closing down in order to help prevent the spread of The Corona.

I've been doing a ton of research and prayer. I have decided that I will still teach in-person classes. All of my classes are really small (5 or less people, typically) and I already rent spaces that give us well over 3 feet between people.

I think having space to move is vital for healing from the experience of not taking up space. Turns out that space is also good for social distancing!

We will replace high five touching with jazz hands, the no touch high five. And we will experience joy together. Please bring or do whatever will make you feel more comfortable attending class.

My next Seattle classes are tomorrow (3 spots left for anyone who wants to drop in) and April 4th. I'll record both for the weekly online members.

I'm driving to Joshua Tree to teach at the Glowing Goddess Getaway virtual retreat on April 18th, I intend to teach small classes with the same harm reduction protocols in Half Moon Bay, San Francisco and LA on my way down and Sacramento on my way back up to my home base in the forest of the Olympic Peninsula.

I work from home and don't go out much (harm reduction already by design), so being intentional about how I spend my time and continuing to do the work that's on my heart to deliver in the world is a decision I made with great care.

If you're curious about my further thoughts on The Corona, the Presidential election (mostly for my international babes curious about what's going on here) and a bit about my experience with Marie Forleo's B-School, my latest podcast episode has all of that!

Thank you so much for reading this and being part of making Fat Kid Dance Party aerobics a thing that exists in the world. I hope you all are doing epic self care as much as possible. And for those of you who are first responders, caregivers, medical and compassion professionals I'm saluting all you are doing on the front lines of this pandemic.

What's one thing you can do for your self care this weekend?


