Using a Time of Uncertainty to Vision for Your Dream Life


Wow, what felt like the world was upside down a week ago got even more upside down after that! I've got a new handle on what social distancing means and why it's so vital in these unprecedented times.

I sincerely hope this note is finding you safe, fed, warm, cherished and rested. If you are an essential person, a janitor, healthcare worker, direct service provider, a parent, a caregiver, a leader in any organization or movement, or finding yourself suddenly without work--my prayers are especially with you in these wild times.

I've had a lot of experience living through uncertainty. I lost my lawyer job in the 2008 real estate bubble. At that point I realized that job security was a myth and safety is an illusion. Yet I continued to chase down validation and security from external sources until I realized that I was only ever going to find that inside myself.

That was all tested this past year. Felt like I was being hurtled around and I landed here, in the forest on the Olympic Peninsula bewildered and dusting myself off. By reducing my expenses so drastically I have been able to focus on my heart work--making great aerobics and supporting folks in their healing and self care.

Part of that work has also been setting out a vision I have for my life. Pain pushes you until vision pulls you. I have had experience just "writing down" whatever I was hoping for and having it come true only to find the list later and realize what happened. 

It may seem too good to be true, but consider how unlikely a pandemic that forced almost all business to shut down seemed until a couple weeks ago. Any time in your life when you are feeling lost is a potent time to cast out some hope. 

Here's the visioning recipe I'm using currently:

1. Write down everything your heart wants. Don't censor yourself. If you can dream it, write it! What does your ideal life look like in 5 years? What are you doing? Who are you with? 

2. Review the list and figure out three traits that the ideal version of yourself has. For me it's Cheer, Generosity and Vision. 

3. Each week sit down, review what you wrote down, and assess how you're doing on those three traits. Be sweet to yourself and celebrate the tiny victories. Set some goals how you can be just a bit more embodying of those traits.

I've been doing my review work each Sunday. When you're in control of your own time instead of on other people's schedules, it can be hard to order your days. I found through my self care assessment that doing certain different, grounding things on Sunday made a large impact on my experience of the rest of the week.

Six Saturdays and a Sunday is a fun way to think about it (knowing that as an entrepreneur I work every single day).

I've been focusing on how I can give during this time--what are my gifts, talents and capacities. I think being a river, not a reservoir, is so important in all times, but especially right now with all the talk of hoarding resources. I've also been feeling tons of Imposter Syndrome about putting myself out there, but in case it helps even one person I've been experiencing the fear and doing it anyway.

My podcast this week was about all the self care I've done to find my chill during times of uncertainty. Find me doing instagram live videos with short stretches throughout the week. I'll be sending you Sunday Self Care missives via my newsletter

If you are wanting movement at home, I rotate in a fresh weekly online Fat Kid Dance Party class every week on Monday night.

During The Corona, I'm offering a pay what you can option for the full professionally produced online aerobics classes. Buy them for $42 here, and Email me fatkiddanceparty at gmail to pay what you can or barter!

I couldn't be more grateful to be living here so close to my mom to be of service to her during this time, and to be of service to whoever can use what I have to offer via the internet. It's so incredible the technology we have that connects us as a "global brain" and now it's up to us to create the "global heart" that fuels it.

What are your gifts, talents and capacities that you can share at this time?


