“I never felt like I could get through a dance class before, and this was exactly what I needed. Physically, I loved being surrounded by beautiful bodies of all varieties that were moving in different ways. Emotionally, the ways you affirmed us all (and even snuck in some anti-oppression education!) was one of the most empowering experiences of my adulthood. I left feeling powerful and really proud of myself and I could not recommend it more!”
--Prerna Abbi-Scanlon
“I used to tell myself that I didn't dance - and I believed it. I saw myself as awkward and without any mastery of physicality. My body just did what it wanted. Facing my fears at my first Fat Kid Dance Party class, I found myself having a blast learning how to do all the 90s moves I couldn't figure out how to do myself in high school. After coming back multiple times I learned that I could climb through my bedroom window (after accidentally locking myself out) without hurting myself. Yay - newfound agility! I had never experienced joyful sweating until FKDP. Now, I frequently give myself mid day dance breaks and express myself through movement at home, work, everywhere!”
—Kate M
“Guess what Bevin?? I just finished the entire chair workout for FKDP!! In my wheel chair. I literally was balling at the end because I’ve been doing a little more every day - I’m partially paralyzed and a super fat and movement of any kind has been very hard and even therapists don’t know what to do with my body. This was like the most ultimate act of self care I’ve taken since my accident during brain surgery left me disabled. Thank you. All of the encouraging words through the work out and just how much consent felt like I was able to control my body the way I saw fit. If you ever doubt it you are making a difference I just wanted you to know that tonight I felt a major shift in my entire being. Lots of love to you”
-- Natala
"Finding a space like Fat Kid Dance Party was so healing for me. It was so joy-based and not about being any kind of way, just there and moving. It helped me so much. As a thin person the experience you created for my body was so much more validating than any other thin-centered experience of movement."
--McKay Gordon
“I first discovered Fat Kid Dance Party on Instagram, and have been a regular ever since! Most recently, I have been taking the Zoom aerobics classes. During the pandemic, the Zoom aerobics classes provide a great and sweaty hour-long workout from my home, plus a wonderful sense of community and uplifting messaging and energy. I recommend Fat Kid Dance Party Zoom Aerobics classes wholeheartedly.”
“Honestly I went just to see you but the experience really opened up a new mindset for me. The way you teach is so warm and empathic. You see your students and it’s amazing. I never thought I could take a public fitness/dance class thing until yesterday. It was a breakthrough for me and I’m so lucky to have experienced it. 💗”
--Jenae Williams
“FKDP has helped me rediscover joyful movement. I walk all day for work, and FKDP helps remind me that I can move around, dance and let go of the negative energy that often comes with getting paid to do physical labor. I love it!”
--Sonya Mendoza
“I went to Fat Kid Dance Party in Chicago. The experience was unreal for me!
I have avidly avoided work-out classes for years because I often struggle and usually leave the class in tears because I can’t keep up or can’t do the exercises because of my body’s limits. Or worse- the instructor emphasizes body-shaming messages and encourages “thinness”.
Bevin’s class was the total opposite! I had so much fun and joy in Bevin’s class!! Through her relaxed and joyful attitude, she revolutionized my feelings about what group work-out classes can be. She encouraged self-care and modifications throughout the class, and also integrated visualizations and the perfect amount of “spirituality” to make the class uplifting and transformative for me. She showed me that there can be another way to experience organized “fitness”.
I bought these videos without even thinking twice, and encourage anyone who has been burned by the mainstream fitness or body-shaming industries to please give Bevin and her videos a chance.
Thank you for the work that you do, Bevin!”
- - Michelle K
“I’m so grateful to have found your class! I’ve been working on loving my body the way it is for a while now but it’s all been very cerebral like like reading, podcasts, etc… It’s really nice to have a fitness/movement class to physically go to that supports my body love journey. I also really appreciate the community I’ve met there so far, people of all sizes in an inclusive and supportive environment...and class is SO FUN!”
--Laurel Hitchin
"The Fat Kid Dance Party experience is unlike any other work out I have tried, and I have tried many! As a veteran of places like Jazzercise and SoulCycle, what Bevin offers is a healing love note to your body. It's like a work out for your mind and physique. I love her rhetoric and how she infuses her class with messages of social justice, body positivity and absolute self love."
—Marcy G
“As a fat, trans boy it was always daunting to be surrounded by cis athletic bodies. I would constantly compare myself to them and it became a harmful, destructive cycle. I heard about Fat Kid Dance Party and the class has been life-changing. To be in a room that supports not only my identity but my body shape WHILE allowing me to work at bettering my physical well being in a healthy mindset is something I never believed I was worthy of having. Bevin has taught me how to proudly take up space in this world through big movements and amazing music and for that I am eternally grateful.”
—Asher T
“I went to this in San Jose— it was so fun! 10/10 would recommend it for all fat people. 👍🏻😄💓”
--Annie Strain
“This is where fun body acceptance and inviting friendly exercise lives! In just one awesome class Bevin has motivated me to move more often and shake it off physically and emotionally! Thanks!”
--Sharon Braun Hutton
“Thank you so much for doing this wonderful project. I was dead on my feet last Wednesday from working too much and only went to class because my friend wanted to go. I felt so much better after I went and for like two hours afterward I felt better than I had all week. What you do is really important.”
“It has helped me love my body even more and truly embrace its beauty and worth. The effects last beyond the time in class and have increased my resilience to a fat-shaming culture. I love the fun dance moves, positive energy, awesome soundtrack, and Bevin's commitment to outstanding instruction! It’s different from any other movement class because there’s no comparing, no competition, just fun!”
“I truly look forward to exercising at Fat Kid Dance Party. I always feel better while I'm there and afterwards. As I get older, I see less of my friends at the gym and usually feel a little out of place as the oldest one in the group. FKDP takes away that anxiety. Everyone in the class is supportive and Bevin makes all of us feel welcome and comfortable. I love that Bevin combines movement through simple routines so the brain is exercised as much as the body. She incorporates somatic healing into the movements which is subtle yet highly effective. At some point in most of the classes, I will feel an overwhelming sense of emotional release to the point of tears--GOOD tears. Bevin has the ability to make everyone in the room feel comfortable and worthy. She inspires us to cheer each other on and to embrace any awkwardness as a good thing that represents change towards something new and healthy. FKDP is a safe space to let go of troubles and anxieties and embrace self care and healing while doing fun routines to fabulous music!”
“This video is a gift to everyone. This is a super fun way to move your body and Bevin is extremely upbeat, positive, and inspirational. The more people who are able to experience Fat Kid Dance Party, the better. I had a great time going to this class in real time and I'm looking forward to learning to love my body in my own living room. Thank you, Bevin, for everything you do!!!”
--Christine Schoenwald
“I got to participate in Fat Kid Dance Party in Seattle and had a blast. I felt more connected to my body than I have in months, a gift to someone with multiple body issues.”
--Zoe Omega
“The most surprising thing I experienced was feeling physically and emotionally comfortable while simultaneously experiencing the psychological routine of self-hate, shame, and discomfort that has been systemically ingrained in me. Like, I knew intellectually that this was a safe space, and emotionally I felt safe and comfortable, yet at times the underlying negative self talk still reared its head. I was kind of startled by it; to learn that being comfortable in a place doesn’t necessarily mean that the voice will be silenced. As odd of a feeling as this was, it was an imperative experience for me because it was the first time I was able to disconnect from that negative self talk; to be consciously aware that that voice was not actually me. I’m so grateful for this new awareness and I’m proud that I was able to continually stomp out the negativity. This definitely strengthens my thought that body consciousness is socially infused into us.”
--Sabrina Dropkick
“This is such a fun and inspiring class! You learn a mini routine that you can modify to your own intensity/style preference. This is also NOT only for larger bodies, it’s for EveryBody! Bevin is super friendly and there is no shame in anything when you enter her class. No matter what you wear, if you feel lost, if you mess up, if you need a break; it is all celebrated!! I’m seriously hooked.”
--User from Classpass
“Hi! I took your class in Minneapolis with my wife and son and I wanted to share with you what your class in person and when we follow along with you on the at-home videos. I've always had a tumultuous relationship with both my body and my relationship with exercise. Your words and philosophies about body positivity and changing exercise to fit me where I am and not where the program says that I should be. My wife and I do one of your programs and one that has its foundations in Bollywood. The Bollywood one would have been unimaginable for me, but using what I have learned from your class, I am enjoying all of my movement and for the first time in my life I am enjoying dancing. I wanted to thank you for your inspiration and positivity.”
“Bevin is an absolute powerhouse, and the mix of her bold enthusiasm and professional instruction helped me connect to my body in a way I've never been able to do in public before, even as a thin person. I felt welcomed, celebrated, and comforted while still getting a great workout. Exercise does NOT have to be punishment (and as Bevin says, knees are a non-renewable resource)! If you want to add a jolt of joy and wellness to your life, I cannot recommend FKDP highly enough.”
“I bought the workout 4 pack a few weeks back and when I did the first one I literally cried.”
“Few things are as positive and uplifting as Fat Kid Dance Party aerobics.”—Slink Magazine