Introducing The Fat Kid Dance Party Worldwide Licensing Program
One of the most common questions I receive is "How can I get Fat Kid Dance Party where I am." My first answer to this was to make a high quality series of workout videos so people could literally access it anywhere they have a computer or a device with the Vimeo app. We can party together worldwide!
I successfully crowd funded the first series of workout videos, thanks to all of those first investors in Fat Kid Dance Party, the musicians who donated their jams to our soundtrack, and the crew and cast who all wildly over delivered. I'm so proud of what we created! (Keep your eyes peeled for the opportunity to get in on the next round of funding for my Aerobics Concert later this year.)
For folks who want to work out with the live weekly class experience I now offer that through my Fat Kid Dance Party LIVE! classes. It is so thrilling to get to expand my weekly reach in this way. We may not be able to gather in person but we can touch base weekly and that really matters to me.
I have been researching how to franchise Fat Kid Dance Party aerobics for almost two years (happy early birthday FKDP!) and I've learned a lot of things.
I'm not a mainstream fitness franchise nor will I ever be. Most fitness franchises will let anyone be a teacher if they take the training. There isn't a vetting process that takes into account who they are and what message they are sending to their clients. I say this with no shade intended, but that's not what I'm doing with Fat Kid Dance Party.
My clients may interact with this as an aerobics class, but my Regulars know this brand is deeper. We work together through aerobics, my free daily Facebook Live videos, one on one coaching, retreats, events, etc...
My goal for all of the people who do the work with me is that they become so self loving that their self care comes from that place of knowing they deserve it. (You already do deserve it, exactly as you are right now.) In other words--my Regulars are on a path to becoming Self Loving AF*.
What I teach is a proprietary blend of movement modalities through a specific convening of space that helps folks feel like they can be the best and truest version of themselves. This is a potent place for people to transform and I intend to teach my licensed practitioners my special sauce while asking them to step into their own greatness.
I teach Fat Kid Dance Party Aerobics and will certainly license other aerobics teachers throughout the world. I'm also interested in certifying massage therapists, talk therapists, wellness practitioners, owners of wellness centers, coaches, etc... This is a lifestyle brand and I want to consider lots of spokes to this powerful wheel that Fat Kid Dance Party licensing can be. (PS It's going to be a license not a franchise.)
Get ready to think BIG and remove your blocks to healing!
I am rolling out the program late Spring 2019 and will only be accepting a small number of folks for the first cohort. That cohort will be selected from my Fat Kid Dance Party Regulars via the weekly Patreon classes.
I need folks to really show up for the training so the first requirement for consideration is eight weeks in a row working out with the weekly class on your own time with a mandatory guided reflection. Minimum participation in the workouts is to play the whole video and cheer along with us. I think eight weeks is a great time to explore how this movement lands in your body, how this teaching feels to you and whether I think you’re able to commit to the (delightful but also self reflective) rigors of this training.
Once accepted into the program expect group coaching calls with required book reading, one on one coaching calls with me, a retreat with a practice space for teaching/healing/convening (and a big party open to all of my Regulars who want to come celebrate with us), continued Fat Kid Dance Party aerobics and other assignments. (I think it’ll be the equivalent of one college class worth of work, or a 10 hour a week job that has reading requirements, it kind of depends on how fast you read.)
After the training if I determine you're embodying the core values of the brand I'll license you, get you logos and set you up so I can support client funnels to your business. Only people I feel comfortable trusting with my clients will be certified so that my clients know they can trust those providers.
If you think Fat Kid Dance Party certification might be for you, join us over on the Patreon for more info and begin the application process.
Accessibility is a core value of the brand and I have community leaders I intend to support through the training, with a priority to folks at the intersections of multiple oppressions.
I love all of you and really appreciate all that my Regulars do to make this brand something special. I can’t wait to see all the places my first cohort will go!
A special word for white folks: if you're not yet comfortable confronting your relationship to white supremacy and white fragility, this is not the right program for you.
*AF can stand for "As Fuck" if swears aren’t your jam or you can identify AF as "As an Infant" because babies are as purely self loving as it gets.